Friday, January 2, 2009

another year

welcome 2009, i hope you're not a bitch ass !!

i don't think i can come up with a legitimate new year's resolution. so far, i think the only true one i hope to keep is my weight loss project. i'm yo-yo'ing around. it's NOT that great. um other than that, i think i don't really need to work on anything because i don't do anything bad. i should buckle down for ODU though. it's going to suck :(

for new year's eve this year, nathan and i got a fifth of Jack Daniels whiskey and drank it with coke. it tasted great with orange juice. mm. i also had mike's hard lemonade. wee. we both got decently buzzed, and around 2am, we went upstairs and rang in the new year ;] haha. anyway.. didn't even watch the ball drop because nathan and pat were busy playing guitar hero, and mom and aunties were too busy talking in the dining room to care. 

nathan and i woke up this afternoon around 12:30. yes lateee. slept 10 hours? awesome. bailed on working out because we started our day so late.. whatever!

but yea

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