i have had a few blogs back in the day, and i'd resurrect them but i lost the passwords to all. either way i don't think i want to have a teenybopper-esque URL / username haunting me as i posted about evil things such as dethklok and nathan threatening to shoot the raccoons that raid his apartment dumpster.
the following are URLs to previous blogs that i have tried to keep updated..
of course.. i failed by losing logins and passwords.. as mentioned above..
http://www.xanga.com/xtineownsyou - maybe 2004?
http://www.xanga.com/xt1n3h4x0r - 2005
http://xt1n3h4x0r.livejournal.com/ - 2007
well those weren't that teenybopperish because they were made probably after 2003.. when i started thinking girly names and shit weren't cool anymore..
there's probably 10 other ones.. and the 10 is just an estimate.
let's see how long this one survives..
if i even remember that i have begun operating a blog again.
Last words you said out loud?
it was probably bye i love you to nathan as he left my house.
Who is your favorite family member?
i don't know
Have you ever drove over a squirrel?
try seagull.
Have you ever cursed at your parents?
cussed WITH them. not AT them.
Ever intentionally made a sibling cry?
when she was younger.
Have you stolen candy from a kid?
Ever played a senior prank?
not that i can remember.
Have you ever wanted to be a doctor?
i'm sure at some point.
Did you wear glasses?
no need for me to be spectacled yet.
Did you ever call someone with glasses "4 eyes"?
HA yea
Is your favorite food macaroni and cheese?
NOPE, far from it.
What's your shoe size?
depends on the style.
Do you have any pets?
lovebird and a cockatiel.
What's your dream date?
who knows.
Does your boyfriend/girlfriend have red hair?
ew no
Are you allergic to grass?
when i feel like it.
Ever keyed someones car?
NOPE that's fucked up
Do you eat tomatoes?
in pizzaaaaaaaaaaaa. not tomatoes by themselves.
How old are you?
Do you live with your parents?
in a way
Can you see the future?
What superpower do you wish you had?
Whats on your mind?
why is this survey dumb.
What was your favorite year of high school?
graduation year. calculate it.
Can you juggle?
hold on let me summon my clowns.
Whats your favorite color to wear?
BLACk. like my soul
Do you have a brother?
Are you a rebel or rule follower?
generally a rule follower, but i play the rebel.
Do you cry often?
when i'm menstruating HA
Can you whistle?
sound like a broken blow-off valve.
Are you attractive?
i'd hope so
Ever egged someone's house?
stop sign on .. forgot that street name
What are your views on going to college?
i'm in it.
Do you know any single parents?
a handful
What vehicle do you drive?
06 corolla S
What was the gas price last time you filled up?
BJ's.. 372.. FUCK
What is your job title?
Do you live in an apartment?
nathan does, and i basicallly live thereeeeeeeeee
Is your bed made right now?
Would you say you are independent?
i'd like to think that i am
Do any of your friends annoy the crap out of you?
What last made you cry?
Who is the last person you saw crying?
probably nathan
Are you religious?
i believe in god but i don't go to church all the time
Do you like what you see when you are naked?
Last time you had sex?
last night
Do you read celebrity gossip magazines?
when they're staring me in the face at grocery stores
Last time you washed your car?
memorial day
When you are home alone what do you do for entertainment?
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
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