Thursday, July 3, 2008

the art of war

cool piss

sometimes i pay attention to philosophy class. sometimes i pay attention to statistics. but most of the time, i pay attention to nothing.

compliments are weird when all you've done with the reader was argue about how they're not doing their job correctly. my car was initially released from Phillips Automotive's Collision Repair Center on june 25th and the work done on it as far as putting my shit back together wasn't very good. i'm thankful that the paint came out looking awesome, looks like new, but the way they put back the sideskirting and the front bumper was fuckkkkkkkkkkkked up, and i had to go back to the shop twice to have it taken care of. the rentals i drove were pretty neat though, that's for sure.. even though my first rental is the same car as my mom's.. just a year older.. 2007 Camry LE. When i took my car back to the shop, they gave me a 2005 Nissan Altima as a rental while they went back over their fuck-ups. regarding the compliments and arguing, it took two thoroughly descriptive and forceful emails to be sent to the PCRC service manager to make them take care of my shit. NOT satisfied with that. i was going to send in their little customer survey "how did we do?" card and say "YOU GUYS FUCKED MY SHIT UP i know you're trained to do shit right! it's NOT rocket science to see that my shit doesn't look correct!" but i'm going to hold off on that, i think i did enough bitching at them and i'm sure i put them in their place when i said i'm not a fucking repair technician, but that looks like SHIT!

so taaaaaaaaaaaake that!

motherfucker. i'm just happy i got my car back, because it is relatively inexpensive to fill it up with gasoline now that gas prices are stupid as hell.

i think i'm going to get drunk this weekend.

-- because i'm cool

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