i never really write in here, because nothing exciting really happens. but, finally something neat occurred and i wanted to write about this past sunday.. because it was definitely something to remember.. and in regards to nathan, it is definitely something out of the ordinary.
for months and months i've been planning to go to richmond's stony point fashion park, because i've got a $500 gift certificate - type deal for a free pair of eyewear, courtesy of Luxottica. i guess working for sunglass hut does have its perks. anyway, i wanted to use the certificate on a pair of chanel sunglasses and none of the tidewater stores carry chanel, so i had to go somewhere like stony point or tyson's corner to redeem it. i've been begging nathan to take me and he said "no" everytime i asked. eventually i stopped asking after the last "no" and decided maybe one day i'd grab one of my friends and head up to stony point.
fast forward to august 17th, during the ritual sunday-breakfast-at-nathan's-mom's-house, his mom asked what nathan and i were doing for the day after breakfast and nathan said that we were going to richmond. i was a bit hungover from the night before, and when he said "we're going to richmond," i was stunned and didn't say anything. he continued to explain to his mom how everything was going to go, and said we'd be back in time for the ritual sunday - dinner - at - nathan's - mom's - house. the plan was to go pick up some things for dinner, drop them back off at his mom's house, pick up my free pair certificate, and head on up to richmond. however, i was still confused that he even wanted to go to richmond, because of my failed attempts at asking him to go up there with me. when we left his mom's i asked him "are you serious?" and he said he was indeeeeeed serious and i just went along with it.
we took care of all the necessary things that needed to be done, and hit the road a little before 2:00 PM. traffic hit us just before the hampton roads bridge tunnel, just by patrick henry mall, and somewhere near busch gardens. there were no real accidents, just stupid drivers that were busy rubbernecking at the disabled motorists or at the state troopers giving tickets.
getting to richmond was not an issue, because we've been to VCU. however the exit we were supposed to take was closed off and a detour directed us along a longer exit and through some side streets and put us back on the highway. we ran into a lot of toll booths, scrambled for change, got yelled at by a tollbooth lady because we accidentally went through a "smart tag" lane and offset the booth and whatnot and whatever.. then we ended up lost and having to stop at a 7-11 for directions. from then on, it was no problem finding stony point. the bad thing was that since leaving virginia beach around 2PM and running into all the traffic problems and getting lost, we arrived at stony point around 5:30, and they closed at 6PM. we located sunglass hut and i proceeded to search for THE pair that i would claim as my freebie. the manager that was working was the infamous one that accidentally hit leslie in the head with a ball on their manager meeting a month or two ago. we had a few laughs, and i learned some more things about some of the sunglass hut product.. but that's not important hah.
i really want to go back to stony point and check out what's in the louis vuitton store as well as the white house / black market .. and other stores that we oooooooobviously will never see in virginia beach, like saks.. mont blanc.. etc.. the list goes on.
before leaving stony point we took a bathroom break, and got back into the car. once again, we got lost, ran through almost every toll booth in the area.. and we also went to a toll booth that we didn't need to go through because we were heading in the wrong direction. thankfully the man at the toll booth directed us back to our proper path and we were on our way home in nooooooo time. i spent most of the drive making manicdotes with nathan using the AIM smarter child.
i bought dinner for nathan and i at chili's. i felt it was just nice of him to randomly take me up to richmond just for my glasses, and it was reminiscent of a couple years ago where we'd go driving around and get lost in another city.. it's just that richmond far away from virginia beach, and we usually galavanted around the chesapeake area.
all in all, i'm thankful for him being spontaneous and thinking of going to richmond with me -- even though he didn't really want to go, because if not, we probably would've spent another sunday sitting around his room watching tv.. but that's not a problem.. i enjoy doing nothing with nathan.. but sometimes it just gets boriiiiiiiiiiiing. he also said that he would've rather gotten lost with me than worry about me being lost with one of my friends or something.
that day just made me love him even more :)
point of the story? i have the best boyfriend ever.. the end... haha
yea those are my glasses >>
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