Saturday, September 13, 2008


i am closer to fulfilling my dream of owning a MacBook. yes.


Today I went to school, went to Starbucks with Chelsey, had lunch with my parents and went with them to MacArthur Center.. where dad and i wandered around the applestore, and tried to do the Juniper credit card application to buy a mac and well the application quit halfway through and it pissed dad off. so the alternative to that was to take out a loan. NFCU is still debating on that. i'm sure it'll go through.. crossing my fingers. more than likely, if all goes well .. i'll have the macbook by saturday of next week. i was really hoping to take one home today. blah. but .. it works out cuz i still haven't finished backing this laptop up and cleaning shit off of it that doesn't need to be here. i'm definitely going to miss the photoshop on it though. this laptop might actually go to nathan's apartment where it'll definitely get used cuz his laptop is a piece of shit, and mine works fine.. it's just the screen is stupid and likes to play mind tricks with me.

and tonight..
dinner with nathan was good.
dessert with nathan was excelleeeeeeeeeeent

however . . napping with nathan is always lovely.

this was pointless rambling..

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